福克可持续发展学院 & 环境

国内最早的同类学校之一, the 福尔克学校 is a wellspring for leadership 和 education to overcome current 和 future sustainability challenges. 福克可持续发展学院 & 环境是 灵感来自查塔姆学院29届校友雷切尔·卡森的作品, whose knowledge about the environment 和 passion to preserve it are traits that drive the mission of the school. 福尔克学校的学术课程是 致力于培养专业的可持续发展领导者.
Photo of three Chatham University students working in an 伊甸堂校园 lab


The 福尔克学校 has responded to challenging ecological 和 经济 times with an innovative program: the 可持续发展学士. 作为我们项目的毕业生, you can do more than tell employers what you're capable of doing; you'll be able to show them what you've done.

探索可持续发展文学士 & BS :棋盘1 -可持续发展学士


波胆网站走在环境研究的前沿. The environmental science major provides students with an interdisciplinary, scientific perspective to help them develop an evidence-based approach to environmental challenges. Employment for environmental scientists is projected to grow 15% from 2012 to 2022, which is faster than the average for all occupations partially due to energy, 气候变化, 基础设施方面的挑战. 

了解环境科学 棋盘2 -环境科学学士
Photo of a masked Chatham University student working in the 伊甸堂校园 agroecology demo garden


The 食品研究文学学士学位 (BAFS) offers a blend of practical skill-building 和 perspectives on 食物 和 agriculture through the analysis of social, 文化, 经济, 以及环境话题. It prepares students for multi-faceted careers 和 professional engagement in a wide variety of sectors in 食物 和 agriculture, 具备解决实际问题的技能, 经济, 社区, 和 social justice issues that are a hallmark of contemporary 食物 systems jobs.

探索BAFS 棋盘3 -食品研究文学学士
Photo of three masked Chatham University students working in the agroecology garden on 伊甸堂校园


The 可持续发展硕士 (MSUS) program in the 福尔克学校 prepares students with full-scale thinking to act upon our important local 和 large-scale global problems 和 be the agents of change that corporations, 政府, 其他组织也需要领导他们的可持续发展计划.

了解MSUS 棋盘4 -可持续发展硕士
Photo of a masked Chatham University student working in the 伊甸堂校园 agroecology demo garden, 拿着收获的花朵对着镜头


The Masters of Arts in Food Studies (MAFS) emphasizes a holistic approach to 食物 systems, 从农业和食品生产到烹饪和消费, 提供从田间到餐桌的实践经验. One of the greatest attributes our 食物 studies education supplies is deep underst和ing.

了解maffs :棋盘5 -食品研究文学硕士
四名波胆网站学生在伊甸园大厅校园的实验室里的照片, 正在做一个森林模型

可持续发展+ MBA

可持续发展硕士项目, 与查塔姆商学院的MBA项目合作, has developed a dual degree program that positions 研究生s for sustainability management 和 leadership in sustainable 业务 sectors.

探索MSUS +MBA 棋盘6 -可持续发展+ MBA
Photo of a Chatham University student walking past a greenhouse on Eden Hall Farm

食品研究+ MBA

The 食品研究+ MBA program provides breadth 和 depth in 食物 studies, 业务, 可持续发展的业务, equipping all students with a holistic underst和ing of 食物 systems 和 业务 skills.

了解mats +MBA :棋盘7 -食品研究+ MBA


位于匹兹堡以北20分钟车程处, Chatham's 伊甸堂校园 is the world's first academic 社区 built from the ground up for sustainability. The grounds 和 infrastructure support research 和 learning around energy 和 climate; water 和 aquaculture; 食物 和 agriculture; 社区 和 health; 和 design 和 planning. 作为福克学校的学生,你会平衡你的时间 足球波胆平台 和伊甸堂.

探索伊甸堂校园 :棋盘8 -伊甸园大厅校园
Photo of a student working on a laptop with a Chatham University sticker on it


福尔克学院提供有竞争力的奖学金 本科研究生 水平, 勤工俭学的机会, 和 研究生 assistantships that can help students save tuition money 和 gain valuable experience.

Photo of Chatham University students working at raised garden beds in a greenhouse at Eden Hall Farm.


波胆网站福尔克可持续发展学院 & 环境是 hosting a one-day summer immersive learning experience on June 27, 2024, 适合对环境感兴趣的高中生, 食物, 和可持续性. The 可持续之夏:沉浸式环境日 at 伊甸堂校园 provides immersive 和 h和s-on learning experiences led by 福尔克学校 faculty on topics covering Streams, 鱼, & Clean Water; Forests & Plants; 和 Food, Farms, & 社区.

沉浸式探索环境日 可持续的夏天:沉浸式环境日


蕾切尔·卡森访问学者项目是 在伊登霍尔校区短期居住 for leading scholars 和 professionals living the legacy of conservationist, 公共卫生倡导者, 也是波胆网站的校友, 瑞秋卡森. 由福克可持续发展学院主办 & 环境, the program provides an opportunity for scholars to spend a few weeks living at Eden Hall; engaging with Chatham faculty, students 和 partners; 和 sharing their work with local 和 regional leaders in Pittsburgh. 

探索学者计划 :棋盘11 -蕾切尔·卡森访问学者计划
Photo of two masked Chatham University students measuring 食物 from the 伊甸堂校园 agroecology demo garden


With the growing awareness of the systems that underpin all aspects of society, 可持续发展和食品研究专业人员的需求越来越大. 毕业生在政府部门任职, 非营利组织, 私营部门和教育,包括匹兹堡市, 卡内基自然历史博物馆, Xanterra公园 & 度假村, 阿勒格尼土地信托, 卡耐基梅隆大学, 法国溪谷保护协会, Evoqua水技术公司, 3 r可持续性, 世界资源研究所, 赫兹, 以及食品和饮料博物馆. 



福克可持续发展学院院长办公室 & 环境



了解查塔姆波胆网站, a student-focused garden at 伊甸堂校园 where they pursue projects that illustrate what they're learning in class.

Photo of a faculty member working in the aquaculture lab on 伊甸堂校园




Photo of a student holding a hose 和 watering a raised garden bed full of plants on the rooftop garden


两个男人在社区花园散步聊天的照片, 有一面砖墙,背景是一幅巨大的彩色壁画


“与Oasis合作是非常值得的, knowing that my knowledge 和 expertise is making a real connection to actual 社区 members 和 actually helping them have a more secure 食物 system,查塔姆水生实验室主任罗伊·韦茨尔说.

Photo of two Chatham University students sitting at a patio table outside of the Eden Hall Commons building at Eden Hall Farm on a sunny day.


作为第一个签署国 美国大学 & 大学校长气候承诺 也是环保主义偶像雷切尔·卡森(瑞秋卡森)的母校, sustainability at Chatham is more than a mission; it's a legacy. 我们为实现可持续发展所做的努力, as they relate to energy 和 waste or to campus development 和 academic integration, 在我们自己的社区和世界范围内得到认可吗. 在一起, these approaches are set on extending the implementation of sustainable practices so that our students can create sustainable legacies of their own.